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Membership Benefits
Cost and Productivity Project data are useful for staffing plans and decisions about faculty positions, for academic program planning and assessment, and for documentation of compliance for accreditation purposes. The unique advantage of Project data is its discipline-level unit of analysis.

Subscribe to the Cost and Productivity Project today.

The Cost and Productivity Project provides the following benchmarks at the discipline level:
  • Instructional costs per student credit hour
  • Student-faculty ratios
  • Workload by full-time, part-time, other faculty
  • Students taught by full-time, part-time, other faculty
National Reports
Cost and Productivity Project members have access to reports that illustrate instructional cost, faculty workload and class size data at the national level. National refined means, which exclude outliers, are available for each metric.

Institutional Reports
Institutional Reports compare local instructional cost, faculty workload and class size data to benchmarks which are calculated from reported data of participating colleges.

Peer Comparison Tool
Subscribers have unlimited access to the Cost and Productivity Project website to select benchmarks and peer institutions and display reports of benchmark comparisons. Comparisons are available for benchmarks for which institutions submitted data and are reported as rankings. Reporting institutions are identified by name; peer institutions are identified anonymously.
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